July 16 – Lafayette to Avon to Philadelphia to Prague
July 17, 2019
Last updated on January 1st, 2022 at 04:28 pm
So far, our trip has gone according to schedule. We did pretty well in being organized at home, so we we able to get away at the time we wanted, stopped by to see my aunt, drove to Alan’s brother’s house and he then took us on to the airport. We didn’t have TSA preboarding, but the line was about as short as we had ever seen, and we were through quickly, and to the gate with enough time for a sit-down lunch.
Our most recent experiences with American had us skeptical, but we left Indianapolis on time and got to Philadelphia early. Boarding for Prague started 50 minutes before our scheduled departure, and we are just now getting the safety video at the time we are supposed to be departing.
We took off quite a bit later than was published, but the pilots must have found some good currents, because we landed earlier than scheduled! The plane ride was pretty uneventful. We sat in the same row as a woman from Michigan by way of Tucson who was visiting her son’s family (been here more than 20 years), and a young Czech man who had just spent 3 weeks in Hawaii and was returning to Prague for school. We didn’t get much sleeping done, but weren’t too much the worse for the wear. Prague is 6 hours ahead of Indiana, and so while we landed about 9 am, our bodies thought it was about 3 am.
We had a little wait to get through customs, but though our line was slow, we got through with out any issue. The guy who was to meet us with a car to get us to the hotel arrived after we did, which made us a little nervous, but after a 40 minute drive through Prague’s mid-day traffic, we arrived at the Wenceslas Terrace, overlooking Wenceslas Square.
I have Prague and Budapest on my list of places to visit. I am excited to here what you think on your blog. I hope you have a great adventure!